Urban Forestry
Consulting Services

Trees belong in our communities.

Science shows that people who live around trees are happier, healthier, and live longer. When you invest in trees and tree care, you’ll be paid back many times over.

Wild Roots offers a wide variety of urban forestry and arboriculture services to make our neighborhoods and homes more livable and vibrant. From region-wide initiatives to taking action in your own backyard, we’re looking forward to working with you to help trees - and the people who live around them - thrive.

Hire an Urban Forester and Arborist

We offer a wide variety of urban forestry and arboriculture services to make our neighborhoods and homes more livable and vibrant.

Services for Municipalities

  • Community Forest Management Plans

  • Tree Inventories and Canopy Assessments

  • Permitting and Tree Assessment Reports

  • Urban Forestry Project Support

  • Designing or Supporting Community Tree Planting Programs

  • Planting Project Planning and Support

  • Urban Forestry-focused Sustainable Jersey actions

  • and more…

Services for Homeowners

  • Tree Inventories and Assessments for Home Landscapes

  • Structural pruning of young trees to address defects before they become a problem (also known as tree training)

  • Tree Planting and procurement, including species selection and layout/design

  • Tree Troubleshooting

  • and more…

Services for Property Managers

  • Tree Inventories and Assessments

  • Structural pruning of young trees to address defects before they become a problem (also known as tree training)

  • Management Plans

  • Specification Drafting

  • Project Support

  • and more…

Hi, I’m Tim.

I’m an experienced urban forester and ISA Certified Arborist (NJ-1411A) who believes trees belong in all communities. 

My areas of expertise include street tree planting and maintenance, urban forestry planning, structural pruning of young trees (a.k.a tree training), community engagement around urban forestry, Tree Equity, and species selection for tough urban environments.

"Nature is not a place to visit, it is home." 

— Gary Snyder