Wild Roots Micro-Meadow Seed Mix


This native seed mix has been thoughtfully researched and curated to value biodiversity, resilience and beauty. Plant this mix anytime from late fall to early spring. For best results, aim for sometime around New Year’s Day, because many native seeds benefit from cold stratification to break dormancy.

To make it as easy as possible, we’ve included rice hulls, which are used in restoration projects to help evenly disperse seeds.

Each bag is enough to seed a 100 square foot garden space (10’ by 10’ or equivalent) in full or part sun.

Unlike most available meadow mixes, which are heavy on non-native annuals which bloom the first year and fizzle out afterwards, our mix is designed to create a beautiful, long-lasting garden with a succession of blooms throughout the growing season. (While many of the species included won’t bloom until the second year, we’ve included some native bi-annuals to give you an impact in year one)

Scroll down for full species list, instructions, and details.

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This native seed mix has been thoughtfully researched and curated to value biodiversity, resilience and beauty. Plant this mix anytime from late fall to early spring. For best results, aim for sometime around New Year’s Day, because many native seeds benefit from cold stratification to break dormancy.

To make it as easy as possible, we’ve included rice hulls, which are used in restoration projects to help evenly disperse seeds.

Each bag is enough to seed a 100 square foot garden space (10’ by 10’ or equivalent) in full or part sun.

Unlike most available meadow mixes, which are heavy on non-native annuals which bloom the first year and fizzle out afterwards, our mix is designed to create a beautiful, long-lasting garden with a succession of blooms throughout the growing season. (While many of the species included won’t bloom until the second year, we’ve included some native bi-annuals to give you an impact in year one)

Scroll down for full species list, instructions, and details.

This native seed mix has been thoughtfully researched and curated to value biodiversity, resilience and beauty. Plant this mix anytime from late fall to early spring. For best results, aim for sometime around New Year’s Day, because many native seeds benefit from cold stratification to break dormancy.

To make it as easy as possible, we’ve included rice hulls, which are used in restoration projects to help evenly disperse seeds.

Each bag is enough to seed a 100 square foot garden space (10’ by 10’ or equivalent) in full or part sun.

Unlike most available meadow mixes, which are heavy on non-native annuals which bloom the first year and fizzle out afterwards, our mix is designed to create a beautiful, long-lasting garden with a succession of blooms throughout the growing season. (While many of the species included won’t bloom until the second year, we’ve included some native bi-annuals to give you an impact in year one)

Scroll down for full species list, instructions, and details.

The Seed Mix

  • Covers: 100 sq. feet

  • Source: Pesticide-free, regionally sourced seed

  • Soil: Average (Clay, Dirt, etc.)

  • Region: Selected for Inner Coastal Plain, Southern New Jersey, though all species have much larger range.

  • Moisture: Drought-Resistant

  • Light: Partial to Full Sun

  • No. of Plant Species: 16

  • No. of Beneficial Species Supported: 100+ Butterflies, Moths, Native Bees, Birds, and more

Species List

Spring Bloomers

Wild Blue Indigo - Baptisia australis
Foxglove Beardtongue - Penstemon digitalis
Golden Alexander - Zizea aurea

Summer Bloomers

Lance-leaf Coreopsis - Coreopsis lanceolata
Pale Purple Coneflower - Echinacea pallida
Butterfly Milkweed - Asclepias tuberosa
Purple Coneflower - Echinacea purpurea
Rattlesnake Master - Eryngium yuccifolium
Wild Bergamot - Monarda fistulosa
Black-Eyed Susan - Rudbeckia hirta
Dense Blazing Star - Liatris spicata
Orange Coneflower - Rudbeckia fulgida

Fall Bloomers

Showy Goldenrod - Solidago speciosa
Smooth Aster - Aster laevis
Aromatic Aster - Aster oblogifolius


Little Bluestem - Schyzachyrium scoparium

Planting Instructions

Pick a 10’ x 10’ area - or any area totaling 100 sq. feet.

Remove all grass, weeds, and competing plants.

Shake the bag, open it, spread seed over the area.

Gently press them into the soil.

Water. Watering becomes unnecessary once plants have established, but in the spring when you start seeing seedlings, you should baby the babies to help them grow.

For more detailed directions and more information about this mix, view our FAQ.

Butterfly Milkweed - Asclepias tuberosa - Pack of 8 Landscape Plugs
Sale Price:$9.00 Original Price:$18.00
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